The Farmers


Chris DiPalma

Chief Flora Officer

At first glance, Chris may seem an unlikely farmer.  In fact, he has always had a passion for growing things.  As a child in Massapequa, on Long Island, he poured energy into nurturing seedlings under soda bottle cloches and growing veggies for his Mom’s table. That passion and a firm belief that what you eat matters fuel his efforts on the farm today where he can still feel like that kid. Since the inception of Island Fresh Farms in 2013, Chris has continued to improve the health of the soil and expand the gardens to include garlic and other alliums, asparagus, artichokes, strawberries, raspberries, and a wide assortment of seasonal vegetables selected for flavor and suitability to our island microclimate.  The recently planted orchard, is populated with a wide variety of apple and pear trees that Chris grafted on farm using locally sourced scion wood.  Living in the Pacific Northwest for close to 20 years it is understandable that Chris developed a passion for the world of mushrooms. Understanding the role of fungi in soil health, he seeds mycorrhizae of beneficial mushrooms among the plants.  He trained in fungal cultivation with guru Paul Stamets, is an increasingly proficient wild forager, and often has cultivated or foraged edible varieties of mushrooms available.  Be sure to fill out the contact form and check the mushroom interest box if you’d like to be notified.  These delicacies go quickly!


Esther Trueblood

Chief Fauna Officer

Es’ passion comes from a longstanding love and fascination for the natural world and its fauna.  As a child in Lansdale PA, she imagined herself as Tarzan and was forever trying to tame the backyard grey squirrels and white-tailed deer with slices of Wonder bread.  National Geographic magazine was devoured cover-to-cover as soon as it arrived and Jane Goodall (and later Dian Fossey) was her hero.  Not surprisingly, a winding path took Es to veterinary medical school, where she got her DVM from WSU.  Being more academic than business oriented, she continued her education to get a PhD and Board certification in Veterinary Pathology, learning as much as possible about the physiological mechanisms of health and disease.  This passion for animals, both wild and domestic, leads to the oft cited omnivore’s dilemma.  Es’ goal as Chief Fauna Officer for Island Fresh is to provide delicious healthful meat that can be eaten without guilt or regret by humanely raising happy animals in a natural stress-free environment.  Contrary to the currently popular greenwashing trend toward plant-based industry, she believes the most environmentally responsible way to exist in the world is through regional self-sufficiency.  Es wants to contribute to a community where everything we truly need can be sourced locally.